Vista API Overview
The Viewpoint Vista™ application programming interface (API) is a bidirectional REST API that acts as a service layer for an organization’s cloud-hosted instance of Vista.
Who can use the Vista API?
All Trimble Construction One™ cloud-hosted Vista customers are eligible to purchase and use the Vista API. To purchase the Vista API, visit the App Xchange website and click "talk with sales".
Using the Vista API requires technical knowledge and an understanding of REST APIs. Before using the API, you should also be familiar with Vista and know how to interact with the software. See the Vista Help documentation to learn more.
What can I do with the Vista API?
The Vista API enables access to your organization’s Vista data and provides enhanced customization capabilities for integrations with Vista.
How is the Vista API Organized?
Designed with a logical view of the data points that exist within modules, the Vista API mirrors the folder structure of the Vista database.
The Vista API includes endpoints in the following modules:
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Document Management
Equipment Management
General Ledger
Human Resources
Job Cost
Material Sales
Project Management
Purchase Order
Subcontract Ledger
Service Management
How does the Vista API work?
See Vista API Concepts for details.
How do I get set up to use the Vista API?
See the Getting Started Guide for details.
Usage Limitations
- Only 12 months of data will be available for some GET endpoints (new endpoints may be added to this list over time)
- AP/Invoices
- AR/Transaction Lines
- DM/Attachments
- GL/Transactions
- JC/Cost Details
- JC/Cost Detail Periods
- PO/PO Headers
- PR/Time Entries
- SL/Subcontracts
- Some GET endpoints are not available due to data record size limitations, but the date is available in other endpoints
- PO/Purchase Orders, instead use:
- PO/PO Headers
- PO/PO Lines
- PO/Purchase Orders, instead use:
- Any record that is 2MB or larger will not be available
- Hard limit of 20GB of data available through the API. If your data is larger than 20GB, you will need to reduce your data footprint accessible through API through reducing the number of GET endpoints.
- During onboarding, you will need to choose which resources/endpoints you want enabled. These endpoints can be changed at a later date, but may require a change order fee._
Updated 4 months ago